Thursday, April 2, 2009

One of my best couponing trips yet!!!

O.K. I know 2 posts of couponing stuff and none of the kids - I really am going to be better - but I was so proud of my last little shopping adventures.... So today I went to the store and they were out of the cheap cereal of course...grrr but I still think my shopping was fantastic!!! So 3 gallons of milk, diapers, olive oil, a ham, a pizza, sugar the other stuff and all for....wait for it..........24.02 with tax! Not to mention that I have a $10 mail in rebate on the ham so really its like I paid 14.02 for everything by the time I'm done.....happy shopping...and I swear couponing does work..... bit of work but so worth it on days like these...whoooohooooo

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Is there a special on olive oil? I've been wanting to get more of that. Did you go to Albertson's? I got a raincheck on the cereal yesterday. I might check tomorrow--I hear they stock on Friday