Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lagoon 2009

So Aunt Saundra was soooo nice to come watch kara for us so the rest of the fam could enjoy Lagoon for a day - boy do these pictures speak 1000 words. You would think Evan mister brave would be the one having the most fun anc Kiersten the chicken would be the scared one right? Just look at their faces it says it all - Evan will tell you what a great time he had and go on all the rides - but he was scraed and after you got Kiersten on the ride she would be the squealer having so much fun - thanks again Aunt Saundra

Kara loves to model everything

This kid is a nut - put on hat, glasses, headband, bow, it really doesn't matter - she hams it up right there with the best of if only we could teach her to keep them on - longer than to take a picture - she is so funny

Olivia Jade Hair Salon

So I must say I finally found a girl I like who does my hair and they are here is SS- and the beauty is they just sent me an e-mail that if I put a little blog post up here - they will send me an extra coupon - how can you beat that??p.s. the girl I like so much is jess sessions - she is awesome!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My new blog of sorts

I am starting up a new blog of crafty stuff ( I will be selling with my sister in law, its under consrtuction, but should be up and running within the next week - questions let me know, but here's a little Kara preview - mostly cause I love this photo, we will also have hair flowers, headbands, baby gifts, custom tuts, plain tutus, burp cloths, fairy wings, the list goes on and on and on - check it out.

Kara's First Birthday

Cake is good
Every 1 yr old needs to smash it in their face at least once

Made sure it was o.k. first

Happy Birthday to me

Presents - the rest her shirt was off because she was a cake mess!

Kiersten's Dance Recital

Sorry about the red eye, I can't find the program to fix it, but this is her picture with her trophy, she was sooooo excited that she got a trophy, it also makes for a good club when she gets mad at her brother, what yes it did happen - normally shes very sweet.
Kiersten and Miss Amanda her dance teacher - sadly she is closing up and we have to find a new place to go, sad :(

Getting Ready with all the girly stuff - she so loves it

Talented Binki Tricks

The double takes talent to be this cool
Her very favorite backwards binki, sometimes she does it this way almost as much as the right way, she thinks she's funny and she is!

Evans First Lost Tooth

He Finally lost his first tooth - I think everyone else in his kindergarten class has lost a handful of teeth, but its his very first and hes very proud. Lost it May 31st

Evan's Kindergarten Graduation

Evan and Mrs. Kunze his Kindergarten teacher
Seriously this is the best photo I could get of Evan during his performance, he was in the back row, I swear my kids are always in the back row - shouldn't the tall kids be in the back??

Kiertsen doing all of Evan's moves during the performance - it was so funny to watch her mimic the class.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My kids are cute and so are there excited faces

What can I say but that this is one of his many excited faces

Well hers just still makes me laugh - she was trying on her skirt she got for her birthday for the first time - can you tell?

And the babes has a better excited face but the 2 second delay on my slacker camera gives you just happy...but I'll take happy anyday

Kiersten's Birthday Party

Kiersten had a princess party and everyone dressed up like a princess - because all little girls are and they had a great time.

The Strawberry cupcakes

Making Necklaces and having fun


So after trying forever to put a hair clip in....and failing miserably - she just doesn't have the hairline for it yet, I realized she had enough for piggies....this was the photo of her first offical piggie day :)

Happy Easter - just a lotta bit late

So I really tried to get the 3 of them together for a photo on Easter - this is the best out of about 6 photos before kara was done sitting on anyones lap - they all looked so cute!!! My best evan comment of easter is...... mom how did the easter bunny know just what I wanted? Oh I know he says to me......Santa Claus must have told him because he watches us to make sure we are being good - well every day but one. What day is that I ask him - Christmas of course because thats when he's delivering the presents - gotta love the funny things they say

Thursday, April 2, 2009

One of my best couponing trips yet!!!

O.K. I know 2 posts of couponing stuff and none of the kids - I really am going to be better - but I was so proud of my last little shopping adventures.... So today I went to the store and they were out of the cheap cereal of course...grrr but I still think my shopping was fantastic!!! So 3 gallons of milk, diapers, olive oil, a ham, a pizza, sugar the other stuff and all for....wait for it..........24.02 with tax! Not to mention that I have a $10 mail in rebate on the ham so really its like I paid 14.02 for everything by the time I'm done.....happy shopping...and I swear couponing does work..... bit of work but so worth it on days like these...whoooohooooo

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crazy for Coupons

O.K. So first off went to the store with 3 children who all behaved and made it home before 9 - right there its a good day, but when I actually do my couponing good....its like my own little shopping high.........Today I bought all of this and only paid 35.65 with the tax and I have a mail in rebate on one of the items so another $2 check coming back to me and got 3 coupons that printed out for a a gallon of milk for free each up to 4.69 for each gallon....I am so getting the good stuff :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tutu's, Tutu's Everywhere...and a Diaper Cake too

So as many of you know I have been playing in tutu's for a while now - new obsession I guess, but all of these tutus were made for Make A Wish to give back a little. They will be auctioned off next weekend. Our fav wish granter and her friend Rachel came out and helped make a couple and helped me decorate them all.....I hope they make a lot of money on them, so other people can enjoy their wish as much as Evan does his. While they were out we helped make a diaper cake unrelated to the auction, but it was soooooo pretty when it was done I had to take a picture too.

Random fun Photos

See I do have hair I promise!!!

The above picture is to prove they are so related - Kierstens forehead does the same thing - still makes me laugh!! And who doesn't love a picture of a baby sqeal.....if you listen close maybe you can hear it. j/k I just hope all the grandmas enjoy the baby cuteness....

If you try to take a photo of everyone yourself......

So I tried to take a photo of me and the kids - cause they wanted to - believe it or not that is kiersten hair in the photo on the left......this is usallu what happens when Itry to take one. Someone runs off, evan shows you his nostrils, and kara well she would rather eat the camera - but I still LOVE this picture - it makes me laugh and how funny the were trying to pose for it

Kara's New Hat

Evan made kara a hat too - I think he didn't want her to feel left out while he was gone at school - he is such a good big brother to her.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mouse Hunting Adventures.....

As many of you know, Tuesday as I was eating my breakfast a little mouse scurried across our floor, but as I went around the corner it disappeared, moved everything, freaked out cause I still can't find it, even though it found some rice cakes in my basement where I think it may be hiding now.... but it has made for interesting conversation around our house this are some of my favorties

Kiersten - my milk tastes like mouse ( she didn't want to drink her milk that morning)
Evan - come out come out wherever you are and I won't trap you ( then in whispers) I'm just trying to trick him mom, I would really trap him
Evan and Kiersten ..outside of my pantry where the little rascal was last seen.....squeak, squeak,squeak, squeak ( we are just trying to trick him mom)
Evan has also been carrying his tupperware bowl around the house at times to hunt for the mouse.....he also stood in the pantry for a while sometimes when I needed something in there on the look out......... just in case I see him he says
Kiertsen - I'm going to be scared of the mouse mom, if I see it I am going to scream - she so did not get this from me - I think she just thinks it sounds fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm 8 months old - time flies when your having fun

Believe it or not this is a 9-12 month outfit - she will be the only tall kid in the whole family, I think she will end up being the big little sister, but I think this little outfit is stinkin cute!

Evans Mad Scientist Party

mwaaa haaa haaa
its my birthday party day :)
my smoking lava cake

Evan all dressed up - too cute!!! I'd post more friends / party photos - but well there were a ton of boys here so there are way too here's just the best scientist Evan ones :) Best and worst part of his party day was he was still sick but when people would ask him if he was sick - and for the whole next week he would reply to people yup I'm six now - he can't hear the letter k so it was just funny because he just didn't get it

The scared Face - I love it!

Kiersten tried to hold her again...I keep telling them not to scare her - they swear she likes it mom is the answer I get - either way I love this face - hilarious! if you look close you can even see her bottom 2 teeth.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kara has a thing with dates

So kara like to do thing quordinated with dates - I think its to help me remember when things happen - I still better write it down soon so I don't forget - I figured blogging it was the next best thing :) So heres her so far
Christmas - got her first tooth
Brians b-day jan 29 - said mama - I know, I know
Evans b-day feb 1st - does the arm crawl

So now I'm wondering what she will do for valentines day :)

Pay it Forward

The Rules
1. Be one of the first THREE bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me - something crafty or yummy, who knows?!
2. Winners must post this challenge on your blog, meaning that you will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your Three Friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: It’s the Spirit and the Thought That Count!
4. When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!If you are not one of the Top Three Commenters on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same! SO, REMEMBER... it is good... :) Pass it forward.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Whew am I glad last week is over

So I promised a few people I would write the woes of last week on my blog for everyones else amusement. So last week was chalk full of meeting, places to run, it was just a crazy week. The kicker to my week is when I got home from my grocery hunting deals - that were awesome! I called so excited to tell people about my deals and that they should go get some while it was still there, while in the middle of one of these calls - mind you it was only call #2 of my crazy go get it delas when the fire alarm starts blaring through my house. Now to fully understand this, I hadn't cooked anything, we had just gotten home from the store. So the kids come screaming down the stairs, as I hanging up the phone and running up the stairs while yelling at the kids to stand by the door - in case we need a quick escape. So I can't find ANYTHING wrong with upstairs and the kids are terrified, so many of you know I have voit for my phone so I'm not sure what number to call as the panicked thought of carbon monoxide start running through my head. I called Brian and through the balring of the fire alarm was trying to explain that I needed a non -emergency number to call to ask what to do, needless to say he says call 911. Frusterating, and not what I wanted, so I called because I had nothing else I could do while trying to throw coats on kids as the lady is telling me I need to evacuate - whooo hoo - does this sound fun yet? So I rounded up 3 kids 2 dogs and headed outside to my neighbor - who I felt awful poor thing was still in her pj and I'm sure not expecting me as I'm asking her if she can watch Evan and Kiersten and 2 dogs while I wait for the fire engine to show up. So needless to say the fire truck, ambulance, and police car all came....enough said. After tromping through my so unclean at the time house, they kept asking me if I wanted to sit in the ambulance so the baby would stay warm - she was in her coat wrapped in a blanket and heck no I am not sitting in an ambulance when I already feel stupid enough for having to call the fire dept. The keep asking, even told me I could sit in the fire truck, and listened to how it was good I checked on my kids because a 5 yr old lit his living room on fire the week before playing with matches. Then my other neighbor walk over - because Brian called him, and asks me if I need anything - I really am good other than wanting to die of embarassment at this point and he tells me Brian is on his way home - I really didn't need him to come home - just makes this story all the more ridiculous. So after checking my walls with heat sensors and much other things, the nice firemen tell me that dust probably got into my sensor and set it off, or maybe the battery - yup thats all folks - dust, did you know you should dust yuour fire alarms, let this be a lesson to you all - dust your fire alarms - or just wait for the end of this story, yes this there is more. So the firemen leave me to pick up my kids / dogs to take them home as my children tell me about how my dog - spike was trying to mark there house - nice. Then later that night my kids start telling me about how they were throwing Kierstens pillow at the ceiling in Evans room - the affected (dusty) fire alarm. Long story short I think my kids set off the fire alarm, makes for an interesting day don't you think?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can you believe she's 7 months old??

These are the most current pictures I have of Kara - taken just this week I am proud to say, she was hanging out with dad - too cute.

Kierstens Dance Recital

Kiersten was gorgeous! Not to mention I think she was the best dancer in her class - she was so proud and cute she told me she no longer dances at her old place she only dances now on the big stage and she thinks everyone should come watch her every time! Thanks to everyone who made the drive to watch her moves - and daddies too :)
Her friends Hayden and Quincy came to watch her dance, it was so nice for them to have friends there too. Hayden is pictured with evan below.

I know its too small - but its the ONLY one that came out non blurry due to the no flash rule. She is the one is the front row on the right in the polka dots - she is the only one in that outfit you can really see - just after this she started running all over the stage doing tricks, being a monkey, it was hilarious!

Evan and Hayden hanging out.

Kiersten all dolled up - she had to have curly hair as part of her outfit and bright makeup the only thing missing was the lipstick I put on her just before we ran out the dooor and her hair at its biggest - I was so sad I forgot to get that shot it was adorable! -She sure loved all the girly stuff - she is my girly girl to the core.